Patrick Chance Thomas, CFE, CAMS

In today's digital age of instant transactions, real-time fraud detection is of paramount importance, but sadly it is not enough. Real-time interdiction is needed as a critical line of defense against a wide range of fincrime activities.

By constantly monitoring, analyzing – and stopping – fraudulent transactions and user behavior in real-time, FIs can swiftly identify and mitigate potential threats, minimizing financial losses and protecting sensitive data.

Join us in our upcoming 3-part webinar series to gain insights into the importance and rewards of real-time fraud detection and interdiction for mid-market and smaller FIs.

All sessions are available on-demand
Part I: Real-time Detection is Useless Without Real-time Interdiction
What if your software detects fraud as it comes, but you cannot stop it in real-time?

In this session, we discuss the importance of 24x7/365 real-time screening, monitoring, and interdiction with an AI First approach to fincrime.

Part II: Keep Up With Transaction Speed, Don’t Chase It
What if transaction speeds are outpacing your compliance software?

Learn how real-time transaction monitoring with an AI First approach is the next step for total compliance.

Part III: Fincrime Never Stops: The Need for Always-on Fincrime Prevention
What if you need to stop fincrime of business hours, weekends and holidays?

We’ll discuss how Always On AI risk monitoring is the next step for 24x7/365 fincrime prevention.

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