


Enhancing AML/CFT measures and combating broader financial crime threats has been a top priority in policymaking for several decades. With the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) established over thirty years ago, global standards were set, and efforts were made to promote the effective implementation of legal, regulatory, and operational measures to counter money laundering and terrorist financing.

Policymakers, law enforcement, regulators, and the private sector have all invested significantly in people, processes, and technology to protect consumers, the financial system, and economies. However, despite these endeavours, stemming the flow of illicit finance remains a challenging task.

In light of this, this webinar aims to equip attendees with knowledge on cutting-edge approaches to bolster risk management strategies, fortify internal controls, and leverage AI and data analytics for robust financial crime detection and prevention. Join us as we explore a way forward in the relentless pursuit to safeguard consumers, businesses and economies from the persistent threats of financial crime.


  • The global outlook for financial crime risk management and related regulatory reforms
  • The path forward to enhance effectiveness in financial crime risk management
  • An enterprise-wide approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling risk exposures
  • Advanced strategies, analytics techniques and AI tools for detecting and preventing financial crime
  • The role of internal controls and good governance in creating culture of compliance and ethical conduct

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